Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is a repost of an earlier blog to test out Blogger...
Hooray!  I finally started construction on the new Donner Summit layout!  To the left you can see the surveying crew busy at work figuring out where to place the next beam.

Blog entries have been slow lately due to the delay of painting and restoring the layout shed.  I replaced a lot of dry rotted wood, added new flashing, fixed a number of leaks in the roof, cleaned and painted the exterior.  I also snuck a business ttrip to Europe in there.  Still planned is a deck in front of the building for people to lounge on and to put my table-saw and planer on during construction projects.

I have started building the staging basement level.  I need to finish it to the stage of operating track-work as it will be hard to get to once the next level is put on due to low clearance.  I have bought all the switches (Atlas #6 for economy) and flex-track (Atlas Code 100) and should be laying it next week.  After that I will build the helix and start the lower level.  Keep you posted!  Hopefully it won't be so long until my next post.
The newly restored and painted workshop metal shed - site of the new layout.


  1. Impressive job! Having that roof fixed is the best thing ever. No more leaks, no more pests, no more moisture, and no more molds. Just don’t forget to have it properly maintained.
    - Lino Kosters

  2. Your newly restored workshop is very remarkable! Its very important that roofs are well maintained because it’s the one that protects the structure from rain, heat, and snow. It’s very important to fix them if there are damaged in any way.
    - Saundra Wordlaw

  3. Your workshop looks nice Duncan. It really came together nicely! I agree that it’s good that you had the roof repaired already. It would be troublesome having a leaking roof while you work in your workshop.

    Allyson Duguay
